Join Carlie for a deep dive into the mind through yogic philosophy. This workshop series is four times over the span of two weeks. You are welcome to sign up for a class individually or register for the series as a whole and save $20!
Week 1
Sunday 9/24 | 4:45-6:15p | Intro to the Sutras + Kleshas
We will discuss what The Sutras are, the history and origin, and will dive into the section of the book which addresses the afflictions of our minds or obstacles to awareness (kleshas).
Wednesday 9/27 | 4:45-6:15p | Yamas - Restraints
We will explore what it looks like to find peace within ourselves and how we can experience oneness and release ourselves from attachment to the things that no longer serve us.
Week 2
Sunday 10/1 | 4:45-6:15p | Niyamas - Observances
In this section, we will discuss teachings of how to love ourselves more fully and how we can observe where we are out of sync with our true nature. Niyamas gift us tools we can apply in our daily lives to commit to self-inquiry with patience and compassion
Wednesday 10/4 | 4:45-6:15p | Posture, Breath Regulation, Sense Withdrawal, + States of Consciousness
Posture teaches us how to find comfort in being. Regulation of breath teaches us how to bring forth, maximize, and circulate energy in our bodies. Sense withdrawal teaches us to find inner stillness. In this workshop, we will experience a series or practices so that we can experience the benefits in real time. These are methods that can be accessed at any time, to regulate our nervous system in a moment of stress or to simply tap into the sensations of the mind and body and access a state of meditation.